It is amazing how much you remember about the kids that passed through your life. In hockey alone there had to be hundreds. You can’t possibly remember all the names, but the stories stick. Over time I will share some of them.

One player I remember was named Jay. I never coached him, but as a referee was able to closely observe him. He was an above average player with decent skating skills. He did seem to have an above average with the penalty box. Whether it was due to aggressive play or a bit of a disagreement with an opposing player, Jay would manage to get some cooling off time in the penalty box. I know I put him there a few times.

Jay graduated from high school and went off to college. I have no idea if he played hockey in college, but it wasn’t at the varsity level. After graduation he returned to Rockford and began his career in business. He was very successful at that.

For fun and recreation, he discovered that they were playing old timer hockey at the ice rink. He joined the group and was once again having fun at his old sport. Old time is hockey played under the same rules, except there is no checking. Checking along with all the other violations is a penalty.

Jay asked his Mother and Father to come watch him play. They were less than enthusiastic about doing it. His dad actually said, “We end up watching you take penalties”. He assured them that it was no check and that they were just having a lot of fun. So finally, they came down to the rink to watch Jay play Old Timer hockey.

When they walked in the rink, guess where Jay was sitting. You got it, in the penalty box.

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