One of my best friends was Jim. We worked together, vacationed as families, and just did a lot of things together. Jim was a lot more detailed than I am, but we usually worked through those things. I have a plethora of stories, but today we will just talk about one day at Cascade Mountain skiing.

Cascade had one nice section of moguls. Jim decided I should shoot a picture of him launching out of a mogul. So, then he goes into great detail of how to focus his camera and take the picture. I assured him that since I owned the same brand of camera, I was capable of operating it. His final instructions were that he would tale the lift to the top of the mountain, then ski down and into the mogul. He wou9ld launch himself out and at the apex of his leap he would yell to me “shoot”.

I waited as he rode up the lift and got off and skied down the hill into the mogul. He came out beautifully launched and crash landed about ten feet from me. He asked if I got the picture. I told him, “You never yelled”. So, I told him to do it all over again and let me do my thing.

He agreed, and so we went all through it again with another crash landing by Jim about ten feet from me, but he got his picture.

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