When we started doing grandpa camp, a week g-kids would spend with me where they would learn and have a good time. Emily and Becky would come as a set, Andy and PD was the second group, and Libby was the finale. They would send menus of what they wanted to eat during the week. These did require a little adjustment by me to insure they were eating healthy. Even though Martha was still working, she would be involved in the evening meal. Andy and PD were the biggest problem when it came to meals. I think they secretly thought we were poisoning them. Julie said it was about the textures, but I was sure they just didn’t like many foods. However, they outgrew this, and today I can’t think of anything they won’t eat.

It gave my kids a week without their kids. sort of a vacation. Outside of the first week, when Tracey came a day early because she said she missed her kids, every week went off without mishap.

The main lesson was to instill on them discipline, a thirst for knowledge, and the experience of learning how to do many things. They learned how to use tools to fix or make things. They learned that you must take care of things, as you might never get a replacement for it. I jokingly told their parents that I give them a sphere in which they can freely operate, and if they step over the line they die.

I cannot explain the joy I had doing this, and the sadness of how fast they grew up. But the memories are permanently etched in my mind.

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