For those of you who thought Chris Farley passed away more than twenty years ago, he is still around. He lives in the body of my cousin Eric Davis. Eric is my cousin by marriage and a lot younger than I am. To say he is the life of the party is like saying the atom bomb is a bottle rocket. One never knows where are when he will show up, and what will happen.

At a family gathering we all went to the St. Louis Cardinal baseball game in St. Louis. During a rather tight game, suddenly Eric is up and leading our whole seating section in cheers. He bobs and weaves and gyrates getting the whole section going.

At Stan’s Idle Hour in Goodland Florida there is a gathering people on the weekends that boggles the mind. There is a band playing 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s music outdoors and a huge dancing area. Drinks are reasonable and souvenirs galore for sale. Who suddenly appears in the middle of the dance area dancing wildly with a broomstick? Cousin Eric! And he is a hit.

More stories on Cousin Eric are sure to show up in this blog, He is one of my favorites

1 Comment

  1. Cousin Eric

    Cousin Eric here. I may come to your town soon. Everyone let’s dance

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