In the early 80s Bill Faulkner and I were talking about the health of the Rockford Hockey Club. It consisted of eleven teams, but the problem was feeders into to these teams. We came up with a plan to develop a system of player available for these more expensive traveling teams. I went to the park district regular meeting and proposed to them that if they gave me helmets, gloves, and sticks I would put together a program for all kids to learn to play hockey. They would advertise the existence of the program and when they would happen.

I was coaching a Junior B franchise at that time which consisted of players 17 to 19 years old. I talked the boys into helping as on ice teachers etc. They were very helpful but were concerned with how long and how much time they were going to invest. I assured them not to worry. It didn’t take long as fathers didn’t want to sit in the stands but be a part of the program. In short order all my juniors were replaced by eager fathers.

In addition, we had Rocky the bear at all these events. Rocky was performed by my eldest daughter Julie in a bear costume wearing hockey skates. Julie never in her life ever wore figure skates. She took her brother’s hand me downs. She had this secret desire to play hockey. Sadley the opportunity never arrived until she was too old for the program. I did threaten my juniors that if they didn’t hustle it up, I would bring my daughter down and she would skate the pants off them.

The program was a great success and actually is still alive today. It is now known as the Junior Ice Hogs

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