Just saw where Ireland beat England in rugby, and it brought back a memory of an event fourteen years ago. I was retired from Suntec by then but was carrying a cell phone in my pocket to take care of customer service problems. I kept an eye on their emails also. I honestly loved what I was doing. And being retired, I was only doing the part of my former job that I truly enjoyed.

On this day I picked up an email from a homeowner who had received a delivery of oil and after the service man left their furnace wouldn’t light. I checked and discovered the email was from Northern Ireland. I replied that they were sending to the wrong facility, as their unit was supplied by our plant in Dijohn France and sent the correct email address to them.

Suddenly my brain clicked in. Here in the US, we take care of the end users of our products. In Europe the accessory manufacturers give product to the boiler and furnace manufacturers who handle these issues. There was no way they were going to get an answer. So, I sent an email to the homeowner who turned out to be named Ally. She had a young daughter Libby and a baby boy Isaac and no heat in the house. We were able to determine they had a single pipe system that had gotten a slug of air during the delivery and had lost its prime.

Ally was able to with instruction prime the system and get the furnace running. It is one of my fondest memories. Every now and then we exchange emails to keep an eye on one another.

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  1. Bill Mitchell


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