When we let friends in Ann Arbor know we were moving to Rockford Illinois, we were amazed at the number of them who said you have to go to the Wagon Wheel in Rockton. They told of how it was a honeymoon and anniversary location, so romantic. So, we made a point of looking it up when we got situated in Rockford.

Our first impression was it was a dump. Some would refer to it as rustic with its log cabins and old buildings. As you walked around inside you could see the exposed wiring which was basically bare wires and ceramic insulators. There was a very low ski hill, and an ice rink with skating, hockey, and curling. Behind one building was an assortment of unassembled amusement park rides.

The whole thing piqued my interest, so I investigated more. Well, it turns out it belonged to oil man Walt Williamson. He had a way of taking other people’s junk and turning them into business and profit. The ice rink was the result of a bankrupt ice cream companies’ equipment being given a change of purpose. The rink had square corners which left snow in them that slowed down play. It also had chicken wire instead of Plexiglas surrounding the rink. It was the home of the Wagon Wheel Cardinals, a semi pro hockey team. Walt had also bought an old amusement ride parks equipment with the intent of adding to the Wagon Wheel experience.

I eventually coached hockey at the Wagon Wheel Ice Arena for a number of years. It was also home ice to Janet Lynn, five-time US figure skating champion and Olympic figure skater who was coached by Slavka Kohout. Slavka was married to Olympic figure skating champion Dick Button.

I will have many more stories about the wheel in the future. just watch for them.

1 Comment

  1. Ann

    Love this blog!! Have only just delved into a few Rants & Raves and can’t wait to get some coffee and enjoy the journey!!
    P.S. Don’t get so busy blogging that you forget your flossing 🙂

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