I remember one week I was working in Atlanta and after a successful week got to the airport looking forward to getting home. Sitting there reading a book just waiting for my boarding call, when a general service announcement rings out. Flights all over the place are being cancelled. Unfortunately, Chicago was one of the destinations affected. And it was one of those days where you didn’t dare leave the airport. I got a fresh cup of coffee and my book and settled down.

It wasn’t very long after that I looked across the waiting area and there sat Lou Holtz, former coach of Notre Dame. Being a lifelong fan of Notre Dame, I couldn’t resist going over and introducing myself. I could not believe how friendly he was. He invited me to sit down and talk, and I graciously accepted. WE talked about football and life.

I told him about how there was always tension between Martha and I when Notre Dame played Purdue. She never could understand that even though I went to Purdue, I was still a Notre Dame fan. He laughed and asked if I ever told her, it is just a game.

When I got home Martha wanted to know all about him. I told her that he was so inspirational that I felt like I should put on a uniform and go play for him. Heck of a motivator.

1 Comment

  1. Wes

    Great story! 🍀🏈💕😊

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