Back in the day when we were going to Myrtle Beach for our week of golf and trying to drink South Carolina dry we had a little incident with a local restaurant. As usual the eight of us went as a group. Mother Gary picked out the local eatery and we drove over. We walked in and of course we were a little noisy as we went to the hostess for seating. She stared at us and said they were closed.

We looked around, and there were people eating and dinners being served, so we were confused. Gary questioned the girl, and pointed out their advertised hours of business etc. She then explained to us that they had a group of Canadians, around a dozen and after eating the left a generous tip of around $2. She said she recognized their accents, EH, and decided they didn’t want any more Canadians that night. During the discussion we found out they were from Quebec. Gary assured her that I was from the US, and the rest were from Ontario and Nova Scotia, and were very generous when it came to tipping.

The end result was, we had a great meal, and the staff learned that Canadians are not bad people.

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