Shortly after moving to Rockford, my son Dan heard on the local television that they were starting a boy’s hockey club. Dan was six and understood that you had to be at least six to join. He asked if we could do it. I told him sure.

When I was growing up in southern Indiana, I had this fascination for ice hockey. I read every book that the local library had on the subject. I even bought a pair of speed skates at the Salvation Army for a quarter. I only got to try them once. rarely did the lakes freeze enough to support a skater. I listened to Johnny Gottselig announcing the Blackhawk’s games on radio in the 50s. I had a desire to get involved too.

We went down to the log cabin on the river by the Y and signed him up. Then we had to go to practices at the Wagon Wheel Ice Arena in Rockton IL. The first session on the ice, Dave Dunlap stood in the middle of the ice and called the boys out. Dan tried and tried to get up on his rental skates, with no success. finally, he crawled on hands and knees to get out there. I figured if he had that much desire to play, I needed to support him.

The club, Rock Valley Boys Hockey, had a policy that if your son was a member, you had to contributor in addition to money in one of three ways. You can be a fund raiser, be on the club board, or coach. It was a no brainer. I bought two pairs of skates and Dan, and I learned to skate together. Dan played for twelve years and became a very good player. He was even invited to the Olympic tryouts in Franklin Park. He was on the ice with Eddie Olczyk and Pat Lafontaine who were selected to the Olympic team. I asked Dan how it went. He said it was OK, but he was amazed at how good some players his age were.

Dan played twelve years, I coached and refereed for twenty. Great memories!

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